Back to Square One
fixed medium - stereo
Commissioned by:
Institut de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (funded by French Government)
More information on electrocd and electroprésence
I have always been fascinated by radio sports commentary and the differences between it and its TV counterpart and how the radio commentator is required to provide visual clues for the listener. I’ve also always been struck by the apparent musicality of sports commentaries, particularly horse racing and track athletics with the gradual rise in pitch and intensity and the subsequent fall back to rest position - but also other sporting events with their frequent changes in intensity and the commentator's reaction to them.
I wanted to make a piece that would reflect these two aspects and, using recordings of commentaries from sporting events from 2007 (Grand National - horse racing, England v India - cricket, US Open - tennis, France v Argentina - rugby), I was able to use the shape and frequency of events to create a structure for the piece. These sounds (unrecognisable from the original recordings) are interwoven with sounds made by a crowd in a Parisian bar in 2006 when France beat Brazil to get to the finals of the 2006 Football World Cup.
The title alludes to the urban myth which states that this phrase was used in early radio football commentary where a numbered grid representing the pitch was provided for listeners whilst a second commentator would call out the number on the grid where the ball was situated.
Back to Square One was commissioned by the Institut International de Musique Electracoustique de Bourges, France and composed in Studio Circé at IMEB in April and September 2007.
Back to Square One appears on Scènes available from bandcamp
Back to Square One also appears on…
Nov 1 - Picture Gallery, Mitchell Hall, Aberdeen - soundfestival
Nov 3 - Reid Hall, Edinburgh - Soundings
Dec 1 - Neighborhood Unitarian Church, Pasadena - Los Angeles Sonic Odyssey
Jan 11 - George Cadbury Hall, Birmingham - BEAST
Jun 5 - Grand Théâtre, Bourges, France - Bourges Synthèse
Oct 16 - Centro Cultural España, Santiago - VIII Festival Internacional de Musica Electroacustica de Santiago Ai-Maako
from Nov - Taukay Web Radio - Taukay Edizioni Musicali
Feb 20 - Czech Radio 3, Vltava - CRo 3, Vltava
Jul 4 - Lindsay Studio Theatre 2,Keele University - Sixth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900
Oct 31 - Left Bank Gallery, Tarland - soundfestival
Jun 2 - Mar Del Plata, Argentina - Cycle of Sonic Art 2011
Jan 26 - Arts Centre Aberdeen, Aberdeen - AB+ Cultural Conference
Apr 1 - WMUA FM 91.1, Amherst, USA - Martian Gardens
May 8 - CHRW 94.9FM, Canada - Beyond the Beyond
May 18 - The Sound Projector Radio Show - Resonance 104.4 FM
Aug 14 - CFLX 95.5FM - Délire Actuel
Jun 28 - WMUA 91.1 FM, Amherst, USA - Martian Gardens
Jun 1 - Radio Horizon 93.9, South Africa
Nov 7 - Radio Horizon 93.9, South Africa
Apr 13 - Foldover, WOBC 91.5 FM, Oberlin, Ohio, USA - Foldover